June 2018
Profiles | Events | Partners | Resources | Reading | Trivia
The heat of summer has settled upon us. Some plants are thriving, some are bolting in distress, and you can say the same about some of the neighbors! One thing ties all of our communities together - rural, urban, and suburban - and that's how we use our natural resources, including agricultural land and the policies that affect it. It's been a roller coaster of a farm bill year already, but there are definitely highlights of hope. Check out NSAC's latest post on how the just-passed Senate's version of the Farm Bill aligns with many of the priorities of family farmers and sustainable agriculture.
Let's step boldly — baseball caps, rhubarb-strawberry bars, and all — and work together to build bridges, connect rural and urban areas, and foster new approaches to building healthy, vibrant communities! Read below for more about how we're doing just that. You are always welcome to get in touch with us and support our work at any time. We couldn't do it without you!
Jan Joannides, Executive Director
look who's renewing the countryside: Anthony Bourdain
At Renewing the Countryside, our work revolves around developing innovative solutions with and listening closely to rural community members, farmers, food makers, activists, and entrepreneurs. The world recently lost a man that championed these interconnections: Anthony Bourdain.
As Andrea Chang and Stephen Battaglio recently wrote in the LA Times: "The outspoken chef, author and television host brought to the table a relatability and innate curiosity about the world, a quality he called “my only virtue.” His legions of fans benefited — through his writing and his many television and online shows, Bourdain transcended mere food celebrity to become an adept storyteller who weaved together tales on cuisine, culture and the connections between them."
We, too, continue to use story to weave together the connections between farming, food, art, and culture and hope you'll continue to join us with curiosity and a ready appetite.
places to go / things to do: Women Caring for the Land sessions
Are you a woman, or do you know a woman, who has invested in or inherited land who would like to be up-to-date on best practices for caring for your land and protecting your investment? Then we have some exciting upcoming events for you in partnership with WFAN!
Learn about new and upgraded conservation practices that not only improve and sustain the soil and other natural resources, but that positively impact your bottom line! Learn about working with renters or management companies, and how to incorporate conservation into your lease agreements. Meet women professionals from agricultural and conservation agencies who will share information and resources—and answer your questions.
Visit https://www.renewingthecountryside.org/women_in_ag to learn more and register.
partner spotlight: Women Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN)
Women make up more than half the US population, and own an increasing number of farms. Surveys show that women own or co-own nearly half the farmland in the Midwest. But we are under-represented on the boards of policy-making bodies, and often encounter communications barriers when accessing information from agencies and institutions.
resource picks of the month: FEAST Applications NOW OPEN
Foodmakers who use local ingredients wanted!
To be an exhibitor at the 2018 FEAST! Local Foods Marketplace is a unique opportunity to meet with buyers, network with peers and get your product into the hands of the general public. The event will begin on Friday, November 30th, with an industry-only tradeshow. The public FEAST! Local Foods Marketplace will be held the following day, Saturday, December 1st.
Help us spread the word to foodmakers you know. And make sure to mark you calendar to attend later this year as a member of the public!
what we're listening to: MOSES' In Her Boots Podcast on Cover Crops
trivia of the month
Q: What am I? I grow long, green, and serpentine when picked just when about to bloom. Enjoy my crunch and taste my bite, before I disappear in late June!
A: E-mail your answer to [email protected] for a chance to win a local foods T-shirt!
Want to learn more about the great community that makes up Renewing the Countryside? Meet last month's trivia winner: Connie Schad of southeast MN! She has this to say about why she supports RTC:
"I think one of your more important issues in your mission is to IMPROVE RURAL AMERICA. Just reminding people where our food comes from and supporting those who care about our health through a better environment is so important. Renewing the Countryside makes such a positive impact and gives us hope!! Thank you for all your efforts!"
We build awareness and support for these initiatives by collecting and sharing stories of rural renewal, providing practical assistance and networking opportunities for those working to improve rural America, and fostering connections between urban and rural people.
Have you heard about AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com.
The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
The link below will allow you to contribute to our work when you shop Amazon. Thanks for checking it out!