New farmers are vital to our future. Our nation is counting on a new crop of farmers to grow our food, revitalize the countryside and protect our natural resources. New Organic Stewards connects these new farmers, provides educational opportunities, and seeds inspiration for sustainable, organic production. New Organic Stewards is for any young or beginning farmer who is aspiring to be or currently involved in organic and sustainable farming.
Find resources and learn about upcoming events at the New Organic Stewards Homepage. And stay connected via New Organic facebookand twitter!
Save the Date!
New Farmer University
Attend a weekend at the New Farmer University to learn from experienced organic farmers and agriculture experts about the field and financial aspects of farming. Last year, topics such as soil fertility, season extension and farm business expansion were covered. Dates are as follows, and registration opens in August of this year. Learn more about it HERE!
Iowa | Nov. 10-12, 2017
Pilgrim Heights Camp & Retreat Center, Montour, IA
Illinois | Dec. 8-10, 2017
Streator Baptist Camp, Streator, IL
Wisconsin | April 2018
Location TBD
$125 for training, lodging, & meals
Farm Partners: Save $25 (Register for $100)
Scholarships available • Registration opens in August
Hosted by MOSES & Renewing the Countryside
New Farmer U is supported by NIFA, USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (2015-70017-24092).
New Organic Stewards is a project of The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) with key partnership from Renewing the Countryside. This project was launched with support from the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, Grant #2011-49400-30756.