local sourcing


Start small - find one local item, and talk about it and eat it! 

You might start with produce purchased at a local grocery store, a farm stand, farmer's market, or your own backyard. There are so many options - define what local means to you, and what is most feasible for your setting. 

Check out our list of storage tips for a variety of Minnesota-grown produce, and a list of kid-friendly recipes here.  

October is National Farm to School and Farm to Early Care month. One way to take a first bite might be sourcing local apples for the Apple Crunch. The University of Minnesota - Extension has more resources about Minnesota's Farm to School and Early Care Month activities.  

The National Farm to School Network has a great tip sheet for getting started for family childcare providers, and one for childcare centers. 


Some questions regarding serving local food in early care settings are answered here

for more resources on finding local food, see: 

Minnesota Grown, Directory of Farms


Minnesota Grown, CSA Finder


MN Farmers Market Association’s
Farmers' Market Locator



Food Safety and Selection at the Farmers Market 
by the University of Nebraska




Local Harvest 
CSA's, farms, farmers' markets